The CRM offers the following three cores to all members of the WUSTL community as well as to outside users.

Bo Zhang, PhD
Bioinformatics Research Core
The BRC offers bioinformatics analysis and custom pipelines for numerous genomic data, including genome analysis (whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing ), transcriptome analysis (bulk-/single-cell RNA-seq, CLIP-seq, CAGE-seq, long-read sequencing), epigenome analysis (DNA methylation, histone modification, transcription factor binding), and proteomics data.

Laura Fischer, PhD
Human Cells, Tissues, and Organoids Core
The hCTO Core offers tissue culture rental facilities, training in human pluripotent stem cell culture and differentiation, and conducts custom differentiation schemes.
Editing and Innovation Core

Jennifer Brazill, PhD
The Editing and Innovation Core (EiC) works with investigators to improve the scientific significance and impact of their writing projects in regenerative medicine. Editing services are tailored to investigator needs and can include assistance with mechanics, clarity, and scientific arguments.