Proposals Due
Proposals OPEN, rolling submission
Start Date:
Decision within ~4-weeks after submission
hCTO Microgrants – Request for Applications
Program Description
The Center of Regenerative Medicine (CRM) provides full-service capabilities for human iPSC and organoid cell culture through its Human Cells, Tissues, and Organoids (hCTO) Core. To facilitate usage of the core and offset costs, the CRM will offer microgrants to be used for new projects and other related services at the hCTO. The intention of these microgrants is to provide pilot funding to test new systems and methods, with the intention of developing larger collaborations with the hCTO.
Eligibility and Specific Requirements
Awardees must be faculty members at WashU and must be members of the Center of Regenerative Medicine. Proposals must advance the mission of the Center of Regenerative Medicine.
Microgrants of up to $2,500 each will be awarded, all of which must be spent at the hCTO and which must be used within 12-months of the award. This microgrant award may be used to subsidize hCTO staff hours, purchase of stock cell vials, and equipment rental billed through the Human Cells, Tissues, and Organoids Core for your proposed experiments. Supplies and reagents must be purchased separately, even if they are purchased for you and reimbursed through the core. Awards may not be transferred. Questions may be addressed to Jason Huang ( or Laura Fischer (
Applications will be reviewed by an internal selection committee identified by the leadership of the Center of Regenerative Medicine.
To apply for this award, please submit the following information as a single PDF document:
- NIH-style biographical sketch
- Project title
- A research statement describing the proposed research, including relevance to the CRM mission. Proposals should not exceed 1 page in length, using standard margins and 11-12 pt font (Arial or Times). Preliminary data are not required but may be included.
- A brief budget justification based on proposed usage and corresponding costs at the hCTO.
Compiled applications may be submitted on a rolling basis to, to:
CRM Microrant Selection Committee
c/o Jason Huang, MS