The Bioinformatics Research Core (BRC) provides the computing resources, bioinformatics services, and expertise to Center of Regenerative Medicine (CRM) faculty members, and collaborates with other biomedical researchers to advance the scientific research of regenerative medicine.

The BRC offer state-of-the-art technologies for working with sequencing data and other biological data – from acquisition and storage to analysis and visualization. Our resources are secure, standards-compliant, and open to all members of the CRM. We take pride in being research collaborators who can work with you through all the stages of a project.

Fee for service and % effort collaborations are possible. Microgrants and discounts on our hourly rates are available for CRM members.

We hope you consider making the BRC your research partner! If you have any questions or want to talk more about a project, please reach out to us for a complimentary consultation.


Bioinformatics is the development and application of computational tools and methods to biological or biomedical research data including acquisition, storage, organization analysis or visualization of data.

  • Bioinformatics Analysis: We work with research scientists (faculty, staff, post-docs and graduate students) to provide analysis of their high-throughput sequencing, microarray, and other biological data.
  • Consulting prior to experiments: We will meet with you to discuss the types of analysis and support bioinformatics can provide and help design experiments so that analysis is possible.
  • Custom bioinformatics analysis: We help develop custom applications to enhance research through web applications for data analysis, custom pipelines, databases and/or visualization, and web services interfaces to large databases, and custom analysis tools.
  • Training: Coming soon


User TypeHourly Rate
WashU – Internal User and CRM Member (Subsidized)$110
WashU – Internal User$125
External User (Outside of WashU)$155
Prices effective September 1, 2023 and are subject to change.


Bo  Zhang, PhD

Bo Zhang, PhD

Director, Bioinformatics Research Core

Tiandao Li, PhD

Tiandao Li, PhD

Bioinformatics Scientist

Rajrani Ruhel, PhD

Bioinformatics Scientist