
Mark Warchol, PhD
Professor, Otolaryngology
- Email: mwarchol@wustl.edu
The Warchol lab studies the molecular mechanism underlying development and regeneration of sensory hair cells of the inner ear and their neurons.

Andrew Yoo, PhD
Associate Professor, Developmental Biology
- Email: yooa@wustl.edu
The Yoo lab studies how microRNAs control development, direct reprogramming, and aging in neurons.

Fuzhong Zhang
Professor, Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
- Email: fzhang@seas.wustl.edu
Engineering protein-based materials for applications in Regenerative Medicine.

Chao Zhou, PhD
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
- Email: chaozhou@wustl.edu
The Zhou lab is interested in developing novel optical imaging technologies for biomedical applications, especially in developing optical coherence tomography (OCT) and microscopy (OCM) technologies to perform "optical biopsy" and generate 3D in situ images of tissue morphology, function and pathological status in real-time without the need to remove and process specimens.