Shea, C.A., Rolfe, R.A., *McNeill, H., Murphy, P. Dev Dyn, Volume 249: 523-542, 2020.
Tag: McNeill
Fat/Dachsous family cadherins in cell and tissue organisation (Links to an external site)
Fulford, A.D., *McNeill, H. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 62, pp. 96-103, 2020.
NANOROBOTS: Intracellular manipulation and measurement with multipole magnetic tweezers (Links to an external site)
Wang, X., Ho, C., Tsatskis, Y., (…), *McNeill, H., Sun, Y., Science Robotics, 4(28), art. no. eaav6180, 2019.
Fat regulates expression of four-jointed reporters in vivo through a 20 bp element independently of the Hippo pathway (Links to an external site)
Arbouzova, N.I., Fulford, A.D., Zhang, H., *McNeill, H., Developmental Biology, Volume 450, Issue 1, 1 June 2019, Pages 23-33, 2019.
FAT4 Fine-Tunes Kidney Development by Regulating RET Signaling (Links to an external site)
Zhang, H., Bagherie-Lachidan, M., Badouel, C., (…), *Jain, S., *McNeill, H., Developmental Cell, 48(6), pp. 780-792.e4, 2019.
Homozygous frameshift mutations in FAT1 cause a syndrome characterized by colobomatous-microphthalmia, ptosis, nephropathy and syndactyly (Links to an external site)
Lahrouchi, N., George, A., Ratbi, I., (…), Brooks, B.P., Sefiani, A., Nature Communications, 10(1), art. no. 1180, 2019.